Monday, February 1, 2010

Your Brain is Like a Muscle

You need to exercise your brain for it to stay strong, smart, and healthy. One way to exercise your brain is to do brain teasers or riddles. One kind of riddle that my parents and I like to do is the Hink Pink (or Hinky Pinky or Hinkety Pinkety).

A Hink Pink is a riddle that has a two-word rhyming answer. For example, foot gear that is the color of the sky would be a "Blue Shoe."

Here are a couple more. If you can figure out an answer, leave it in the comments to this post. The first correct answers are the winners of the day.

1. A male kid's action figures.
2. A rodent's dwelling.
3. Where automobiles go for a drink.
4. An inexpensive sugary Easter candy.

1 comment:

  1. 1. boy toy
    2. mouse house
    3. car bar
    4.jelly belly???
    Maybe I got at least one right. You're great Calvin!
