Monday, February 8, 2010

In Remembrance

If your grandparents are still alive, you should spend time with them, play with them, and really enjoy and love them.

I was lucky to get to spend time with my Grandpa Kip.  I miss him a lot.  But I also have a lot of great memories of my times with him.

Grandpa Kip
July 4, 1943-February 8, 2009


  1. Calvin...what a nice tribute to your Grandpa Kip!

  2. Calvin,
    What a nice way to honor your Grandpa Kip! He loved you and Grant and Sydney and Katylynn very much. And I know he'd be proud of this blog you are writing and would say "that's my grandson, isn't he smart?" Keep writing and reading books and sharing on here. I have enjoyed checking in to see what bit of wisdom you have to share each day.

  3. Your Grandpa would be very proud of you!!!!!
