Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beat Down Time!

I had a request from my Uncle Robby to do a tip on "beat downs."  So, here it is:

My Uncle Robby and I like to fight.  Although he sometimes wins, I remember a time that I beat him down good.  It all started one day around Christmastime.  I said, "You can't beat down me!"  The he started running at me, but I jumped out of the way.  He was about to run into the wall when he put his feet down and stopped.  It was almost very hurtful to him because he was going so fast.

To show me his anger, he ran at me with his fist.  I ducked under him and he fell over me.  I think it hurt him, but I didn't care.  I jumped on him and punched him a few times, just to be sure I finished him off.  He was defeated.

What's the moral of the story?

My tip is:  Don't mess with the bull or you'll get the horns.

Uncle Robby knows from personal experience.  Boo-Yah!!

1 comment:

  1. Calvin...I love the picture you used to describe the "beat down" concept! and the Cramer "boo yah"!!!! Keep writing! I love it! Good luck with your interview with Indianapolis Monthly!
