Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Possible Confusing Homonym

I hope you know the difference between a mummy and your Mummy.  If you're from Great Britain, it's really important to know the difference.  A mummy -- all dead and wrapped up in strips of cloth -- is always scary.  Your Mummy is almost never scary and usually very important in your life. 


  1. Fascinating! Thank you, Calvin. - A fan in Chicago

  2. dude you are awesome. i dont know how i would get through my day without your help :D thanks.

    -a fan in Indiana

  3. Your comments are quite interesting and thought provoking!!!!!!

  4. Thanks Calvin! I am from the Caribbean and grew up saying Mummy. It was never confusing, except when I broke her brand new rocking chair even before she came home and saw it. Then, I did not recognize her at all! She was fierce!
