Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eat Like the Caveman

If you go to CrossFit and you want to try to lose weight and eat healthy, they might tell you to try the Paleo Diet.  It helps you lose weight.  You get lots of fruits and vegetables, but you don't get to eat ice cream and popcorn and jelly beans and candy and sweets and chocolate.  It's called the Paleo Diet, because it's based on people who lived in the Paleolithic Era lived.  So, some people call it the caveman diet.  Anybody can do it, even if you don't go to CrossFit.

I think it's okay, but it's not as fun as I wish it were.  I like popcorn and ice cream and stuff like that.  Plus, I'm not a caveman, so why should I eat like one.  Ook and Gluk were probably on that diet, though.

My dad is making all of us do the Paleo Diet with him, because he needs to lose weight.

If you have to go on a diet because your dad is fat, then it could be worse than the Paleo Diet, because you can eat lots of grapes and bananas and peaches.

1 comment:

  1. They also dress well, favoring dark colors and subdued patterns. Stern, mysterious, and slightly flirtatious facial expressions optional.

